Født: Nes, Flekkefjord - 10 mars 1917
Bosted: Flekkefjord - Flekkefjord kommune.
Død: 30 september 1940
Kjell Loga Tok hyre som motormann på M/T ”Nina Borthen”. Skipet gikk fra Milford Haven 30. september 1940, og da konvoien ble oppløst 5. oktober var fartøyet forsvunnet. En av livbåtene drev i land ved Dunmore, Irland.
Kildene forteller:
Krigsseilerregisteret skriver:September 1940:
Avgikk Milford Haven 30. september 1940 i ballast bestemt for Persiske Gulf rundt Afrika. Tankskipet forsvant sporløst, men en livbåt drev i land ved Dunmore i Irland 19 desember 1940.
6 oktober 1940 meldte den tysk ubåt U-103 (Kapitän zur See Victor Scütze ) at den hadde senket (torpedert) et tankskip i pos. N 53.0' W 25.0', noe som kan stemme med en antatt posisjon for Nina Borthen. Den tyske ubåtsjefen kunne i mørket ikke identifisere fartøyet nærmere. Han har åpenbart heller ikke funnet livbåter eller flåter med folk han kunnestille de vanlige spørsmål. Da ingen andre uoppklarte tankskipforlis foreligger i det aktuelle området, var det utvilsomt M/T ”Nina Borthen” som U-103 sendte til bunns. Hele besetningen, 28 nordmenn og sju briter omkom. 19. desember drev en av skipets livbåter i land ved Dunmore.
De norske som omkom med M/T ”Nina Borthen”:
Eilif Hansen Thorsø - Matros, Olaus Andreas M. Sørensen - Motormann, Martin Sulebust - Matros/skytter, Trygve Skogmo - 2. Maskinist, Peder Kornelius Olsen - Matros, Jens Johan Olsen - Sjømann, Gudmund Johan Olsen - Tømmermann, Bjarne Haakon Nielsen - Skipsfører, Olaf Nielsen - Maskinist, Kjell Loga - Motormann, Erling Villiam R. Larsen - Fyrbøter, Ola Gregorius Korsnes - Matros, Ragnvald Martin O. Kragseth - Matros, Oskar Johann Klausen - Motormann, Hans Josef Bjarne Johnsen - Matros, Bertrand Høie Jacobsen - Radio/styrmann, Jørgen Gundersen - Stuert, Hilmar Arnold Feltstykket - Smører, Evert Ebstein - Lettmatros, Håkon Johan Aas Bottolfsen - Sjømann, Erling H. Borthen - 1.Styrmann, Godtfred A. Petter Bloch - Båtsmann, Finn Beckmann - Styrmann, Jacob Lund Bentsen - Motormann, Karl A. Andreassen - Maskinist.
www.uboat.net skriver:
At 22.04 hours on 6 Oct 1940 the M/T ”Nina Borthen” (Master Bjarne Nielsen), dispersed from convoy OB-222 the day before, was hit by one torpedo from the german, type IXB u-boat U-103, commanded by Korvättenkapitän. Victor Schütze , holder of the German Knights Cross with Oak Leaves, and developed a list, but this was corrected by the crew. The ship was then hit by two coups de grâce at 22.14 and 22.38 hours and began to list to port, when she was hit by a fourth torpedo at 23.30 hours, broke in two and sank. 28 Norwegians and seven British crew members were lost. The tanker was reported missing after convoy in which she left Britain was dispersed during a gale in 54°N/26°W on 5 October. Only an empty lifeboat drifted ashore near Dunmore, Ireland on 19 December.
www.warsailors.com skriver:
Final Fate - 1940:
M/T ”Nina Borthen” had arrived Falmouth from Southampton on Sept. 28-1940, then proceeded to Milford Haven (again, see the archive document).
M/T ”Nina Borthen” left Milford Haven on Sept. 30 in convoy* for Table Bay - Persian Gulf, and disappeared, the only trace being a lifeboat which was washed ashore near Dunmore, Ireland on Dec. 19.
The convoy was dispersed in a gale on Oct. 5, and since M/T ”Nina Borthen” did not reach her destination M/T ”Nina Borthen” was believed to have been sunk between Milford Haven and Table Bay (she only had 300 tons of bunkers, so could not have reached much further). This must have been Convoy OB 222, in which M/T ”Nina Borthen”'s listed as bound for Abadan/Cape in ballast, station 65. This convoy originated in Liverpool on Oct. 1-1940, rendezvoused with OA 222 on Oct. 3 and was dispersed on the 5th (ref external links at the end of this page. A. Hague has also included Varøy in this convoy, she had started out in OA 222). U-103 (Schütze) sank a tanker on Oct. 6 in position 54N 26W, which is said to be in the area where the convoy was dispersed and where M/T ”Nina Borthen” would have been on her way south on her own.
"Nortraships flåte" gives the position as 53N 25W and adds that Schütze could not identify the ship in the dark, but I'm not sure this statement is correct, as M/T ”Nina Borthen” is listed by J. Rohwer as sunk by this U-boat with no notes attached, so I get the impression she was identified. (Charles Hocking gives position as "midway between Inishtrahull and Cape Farewell").
Våre falne skriver:
Rømte til England i en motorsjekte sammen med noen kamerater. Tok hyre i handelsflåten, og dro ut med M/T ”Nina Borthen” Skipet gikk fra Milford Haven 30. september 1940; da konvoien ble oppløst 5. oktober, var fartøyet forsvunnet. En av livbåtene drev i land ved Dunmore, Irland.
Kilder: Krigsseilerregisteret, www.uboat.net, www.warsailors.com og Våre falne
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