Født: Flekkefjord - 20 august 1889
Bosted: Flekkefjord - Flekkefjord kommune.
Død: 22 februar 1942
Ingolf Just seilte i alliert fart som kaptein på M/S ”Sama”. Omkom 22. februar 1942, da skipet ble torpedert på vei fra Cardiff til St. John, New Brunswick.
Kildene forteller:
Krigsseilerregisteret skriver:Ex gratia-arkivet: Gift med (jf. London-kort): Thekla Just.
Februar 1942:M/S ”Sama” ble torpedert 22 februar 1942 og synker i pos. N 49.30', W 38.30' av den tyske type IXC ubåten U-155 , med sjef Korvettenkapitän Adolf Cornelius Piening, innehaver av Ridderkorset - 500 n. m av New Foundland på reise til St. John, New Brunswick i konvoi. 19 personer omkom.
www.uboat.net skriver:At 07.03 hours on 22 February 1942, the german, type IXC u-boat U-155, commanded by Korvettenkapitän Adolf Cornelius Piening, holder of the German Knights Cross, fired three torpedoes at convoy ONS-67 south of Cape Farewell and heard three detonations. Piening observed no effects after one detonation, but saw explosions on two other ships. He claimed two ships with 15,000 grt sunk and another with 7000 grt damaged, but in fact only the Adellen and M/S ”Sama” were hit and sunk. The M/S ”Sama” (Master Ingolf Just) was hit in the stern and sank in a few minutes, taking 15 men with her. 24 survivors clung to rafts and debris because they were not able to launch a lifeboat. Three men drifted off on a small raft and were never seen again. After two hours, the survivors were picked up by USS Nicholson (DD 442), but during the rescue operation one man was crushed to death between a raft and the side of the destroyer.
Krigsseilerregisteret skriver videre:
De norske som omkom ombord på M/S ”Sama”:
Johan Rype - Matros, Karsten Ove Vaag - Motormann, Svein Sætre - Motormann, Rolf Svenkerud - Motormann, Odd Petter Strøm - Motormann, Herbert Kristian Ottersen - Maskinsjef, Ragnvald Høyerdal Olsen - Motormann, Knut Steen Karlsen - Stuert, Ingolf Just - Skipsfører, Olaf Bertin Hansen - Tømmermann, Hans Anker Hansen - Frysemaskinist, Reidar Kalleberg Halvorsen - 3. Styrmann, Ingolv Eldøy - 2. Maskinist, Marthinius Dahl - Motormann, Anders Berge - Maskinassistent, Ragnar Antonsen - Matros/skytter, Leif Jul Andersen - Elektriker.
www.warsailor.com skriver:
Final Fate - 1942:
M/S ”Sama” had arrived Cardiff from Halifax on Febr. 3-1942. From Cardiff, she later proceeded to Milford Haven and Belfast Lough, arriving the latter on Febr. 14, departing again on Febr. 15, joining Convoy ON 67, which had sailed from Liverpool on Febr. 14
M/S ”Sama” had a cargo of 1040 tons of china clay for St. John, N.B. and in addition to her crew she had 8 passengers on board, sailing in station 13. The weather was stormy all along, and her starboard lifeboat was damaged by the heavy seas, but was pulled on board and temporarily repaired by the carpenter.
In the early morning hours of Febr. 22, a powerful explosion occurred in the stern section of the M/S ”Sama”; M/S ”Sama” had been torpedoed by U-155 (Piening), position 49 30N 38 30W, and started to sink very quickly. The engine stopped and the lights went out, which meant that the alarms were rendered inoperable, but those who had heard the explosion and came on deck quickly launched the port lifeboat. However, they couldn't get away before the ship sank because the davits got caught in it, causing it to capsize so that those who were in the boat had to throw themselves into the water. Others, who had been seen on deck, went under with the suction. Several had to jump overboard from the stern part, as they were unable get amidships owing to the fact that the after deck was already under water. It was assumed that many crew members had gotten trapped in their cabins and passageways when the bulkheads collapsed (this according to the 3rd engineer, who was in the mess room when the explosion occurred - the bulkheads there also collapsed). After the M/S ”Sama” had sunk, both rafts, the ship's dinghies and the port lifeboat floated up, and the 24 who were in the water clung to these until 20 of them were rescued a couple of hours later by the escorting American destroyer USS Nicholson (DD 442). The captain, the 3rd mate and the carpenter had been among those on one of the rafts which had capsized several times, and they were not seen again, while 1 was crushed to death between the raft and the side of the destroyer. Due to the darkness it was impossible to tell who he was. The survivors were landed in Halifax on March 1.
Våre Falne 1939 - 1945 skriver:
Født 20. august 1889 i Flekkefjord. Sønn av Nicolai Just f.1839 i Veøy, og Pauline Just f. Pedersen 1851 i Flekkefjord. Reiste til sjös 1907 med dampskipet "Atlas" av Flekkefjord, tilh. Bernh. Hanssen. Styrm. eks. 1911 og skipsf. eks. 1913 i Stavanger. Styrmann med dampskipene "Alfred Nobel","Jose" og "Belita" av Flekkefjord Gift 1917 i Brooklyn med Thekla Jernstrøm f. 1892 i Bergen. Ble i 1921 förer av dampskipet"Nichilas Cuneo" tilh. Bernh. Hanssen. Förte senere dampskipene"Nevis", Anderson" og M/S" I ,K, Ward" tilh. Chr. Gundersen & Co, alle av Oslo. Dro til sjøs etter endt ferie oktober 1939, og seilte under krigen i alliert fart som kaptein på M/S " Sama". Omkom 22. februar 1942 da skipet ble torpedert på vei fra Cardiff til St. John N.B. Canada.
Kilder: Krigsseilerregisteret, www.uboat.net, www.warsailor.com og Våre FalneFlåtetilhørighet
Tilhørte Uteflåten.
Registernummer London: 5187
Registernummer New York: 19953

Krigsmedaljen utdeles til norske eller utenlandske militære som på en fortjenstfull måte har deltatt i krig for Norge og til norske og utenlandske sivile som under krig har ydet Norges forsvar tjenester. Krigsmedaljen utdeles post mortem til alle nordmenn og utlendinger som har kjempet i de norske styrker og Handelsflåten og falt for Norges sak. (Wikipedia)
Just, ble tildelt Krigsmedaljen Dato for tildeling ukjent