Født: Hidra - 28 januar 1917
Bosted: Hidra - Flekkefjord kommune.
Død: 23 april 1941
Didrik Jan Dahl seilte under krigen i alliert fart til han omkom i Atlanteren 22 april 1941 på D/S "Polyana"
Kildene forteller:
Krigsseilerregisteret skriver:
April 1941:
D/S "Polyana" ble torpedert og senket den 25 april 1941, i pos. N 13.00', W 29.00' av den tyske type IXB ubåten U 103,med sjef, Kapitän zur See, Victor Schüte (innehaver av Ridderkorset med eikeløv), i konvoi fra Oban til Freetown med et tap på 25 personer. Omdøpt til D/S "Polyana" i 1939 da Einar Rasmussen ble styreformann og aksjonær i selskapet. Skipet ble solgt til Rederi A/S Hauk (Bucha Godager & Co) i 1940. På reise fra Skottland til Freetown forlot skipet etter planen sin konvoi OG 58 den 14. april 1941 og siden ikke funnet.
www.uboat.net skriver:At 00.38 hours on 25 April 1941 the unescorted S/S "Polyana" (Master Karl Jacobsen) was hit near the bridge by one torpedo from the german, type IXB u-boat U-103, commanded by Kapitän zur See, Victor Schüte, holder of the german Knights Cross With Oak Leaves, capsized fast and sank within one minute about 250 miles west-southwest of Cape Verde Islands. The ship was last seen when detached from convoy OG-58 in 44°41N/22°43W on 14 April and was reported missing when she did not arrive in Freetown on 30 April. The U-boat had missed the freighter with a first torpedo at 23.57 hours on 24 April. All crew members: 19 Norwegians, two British, one Danish, one Tunisian, one Spanish and one Maltese were lost.
Minnehallen i Stavern skriver:
D/S "Polyana" var på reise i konvoi fra Oban til Freetown med beregnet ankomst 30. april 1941. Konvoien ble oppløst 14. april, og senere hørte man ikke mer fra D/S "Polyana". Men ifølge tyske rapporter ble hun trolig senket 25. april 1941 av tysk U-103 , med sjef, Kapitän zur See, Victor Schüte,(innehaver av Ridderkorset med eikeløv), i posisjon 13 N og 27 W, selv om ubåtsjefen ikke var i stand til å identifisere D/S "Polyana". 25 mann omkom, hvorav 18 var nordmenn.De norske som omkom med D/S "Polyana":
Arthur Kristian Åsmundsen - Kaptein, Jan Didrik Dahl - Kokk, Olav Tønne - Stuert, Hugo Trondsen - Maskinist, Oliver Marinius Røste - Matros, Ragnvald Rannekleiv - Matros, Olaf Wilford Ose - Matros, Gunerius Olsen - Maskinsjef, Harald Bjerke Olaussen - Matros, Aksel Ditlef W. Larsen - Båtsmann, Lars Marthin Klovning - Lettmatros, Karl Jacobsen - Skipsfører, Werner August Ingebrethsen - Fyrbøter, Kristoffer Hillesland - Sjømann, Bernhard Martin T. Helle - Fyrbøter, Rolf Hanssen - Styrmann, Erling Hagedal - Lettmatros, Hans Johannes Gjerstad - Donkeymann, Henry Bjarnolf Eriksen - Fyrbøter, Sverre Engelhard Andersen - Maskinist.
www.warsailors.com skriver:
Final Fate -1941:
S/S "Polyana" had left Sunderland with a cargo of coal on March 22-1941. Via Methil Roads and Loch Ewe, she arrived Oban on Apr. 3, leaving again on Apr. 7 for Freetown in the Gibraltar bound Convoy OG 58 (originated in Liverpool Apr. 6, arrived Gibraltar Apr. 21), and was estimated to arrive Freetown on April 30. According to "Nortraships flåte", which does not mention the identity of the convoy, the southbound section was detached on April 14 in position 44 41N 22 43W, and that's the last time Polyana was seen (as reported by the Norwegian D/S Brisk in the same convoy). A. Hague says she lost touch with the convoy that day. OG 58 will be added to an individual page in my Convoys section in due course, in the meantime, the ships sailing in it are named on the page listing ships in all OG convoys. In addition to Brisk already mentioned, the Norwegian Bruse Jarl, Marga, Marita, Nesttun, Senta, Star and Torfinn Jarl are also listed. S/S "Polyana" was later found to have been torpedoed and sunk by U-103 (Schütze) in the very early hours of April. 25 (about half an hour after midnight, having been attacked by 2 torpedoes just before midnight on the 24th, Central European Time), position 12 45N 28 21W. All 25 on board perished, including 2 British, 1 Danish, 1 Tunisian, 1 Spanish and 1 Maltese.
Kilder: Krigsseilerregisteret, www.uboat.net, Minnehallen i Stavern og www.warsailors.com
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